Weight Loss Liz

Welcome to the wonderful world of weight loss! Please keep your hands and arms inside the vehicle at all times and pass the cookie dough, damnit!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Monday and a reflection

Well, I'm up to 199 this week, but I suspect part of that may have something to do with the breakthrough bleeding my pill currently has me on. My body has decided to do some freaky shit as a result of all the hormones I've been taking. I suspect I'm a little bloated, as well.

But I've been thinking since I joined that new site: What do I really want out of being fit? And the more I think about it, the more I come to the following conclusion: I want to run. I haven't run since I was a little girl. Since before my parents split. I was "slow" and I "looked stupid" when I ran. I stopped. I haven't really tried to run as fast as I can in as long as I can remember. I want to do that again. I want to run fast and look right doing it, but I have no idea how. I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't even have running shoes. I don't even have clothes to do it in.

I'm 21 years old. I want to run.

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

BMI and other things

I currently have a BMI of about 28-29, which is right on the cusp of being obese. Two weeks ago, I WAS obese. That's kind of scary to think about, really.

Anyway, I've been misbehaving all week. We ran out of food and have been trying to get my apartment and car lined up, so I fell victim to Arby's since they're next to my work. Also, to Cheez Doodles. Bastards.

I've also currently signed up for SparkPeople under the name SkittlesGenesis, so feel free to look me up there if you belong or choose to join (and don't forget who referred you!). It looks really interesting actually. It's free and they give you a personalized diet and personalized fitness program.

Tomorrow is weigh-in day and I know I gained weight. I just know it.

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

*cackle!* My Evil Plan is Working!

I currently weigh less than I did at the beginning of March when Micka came to visit me and we spent 3 weeks eating things we saw on Home Cooking with Paula Dean.

Yesterday, his mother told him he's getting fat. He's not actually fat. He's still a stupid little rail of a boy, but if he's gaining weight, that means my two pronged plan for being the hot one in the relationship is taking effect!

I'm losing weight, and he's gaining weight!


For the record, I walked all the way down to the book store and had Subway for lunch. With the little apple-y things instead of baked chips. We're also running severely out of food, but my moniez have finally cleared through the bank and my credit card came, so I can keep myself eatin' subs for a few more days. Although I should go buy a box of cereal or some Slim-Fast or something else for breakfast nutrients tomorrow after work. I like the taste of chocolate Slim-Fast and it's pretty good in the mornings, so I indulge. I'm a sick, sad little person...

But I have all weekend off! Which means there will be awesomeness abounding! Or else just a shit load of cleaning and sending out lease applications. Man, my life sucks.

Who wants to be my drinking buddy? Anyone?

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Monday, April 9, 2007

Quick update

I haven't been eating properly lately because of the holiday and running low on food (which leaves me with just the crap no one wants to eat because of how bad it is for you. Even so, my current weight is 196.5 lbs/89.1 kg. That means I'm down about 5 lbs/2 kg since Tuesday. It ALSO means I'm currently below where I was when Micka was in town and he made me gain that weight.

Hopefully, I'll be able to post a little more in depth later today but I'm off to work in half an hour. If not, I'll post tomorrow.

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Wednesday, April 4, 2007


I didn't do a whole lot of stuff today. I walked to and from work, but in general I didn't get much exercise done. My stupid thyroid pills/birth control/allergy medicine made me queazy, so I'm going to stagger them by a half hour tomorrow and see if I can figure out which one did it or if it was just a great little today thing. Basically though, I spent all day feeling NOT like working out. I DID get around to eating today (working around food really makes me not want to touch it) and had a chicken sandwich.

Tomorrow is my day off, though. Right now my plans include:
  • walking the dog
  • taking a stroll down to work to get my moniez
  • strippercizing
  • calling the apartment people to see about moving into the new one (this one isn't health related, I just really need to get an apartment lined up for the May Move)
  • updating this blog for everyone who isn't reading it! Don't y'all feel special?
I miss sex. That was a good workout...

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Tuesday, April 3, 2007


I finally started trying out Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease. I have Disc 1: Strip Your Way to Fitness! just like that with the exclamation point and everything. I'm not getting fit, I'm getting FIT! Or something.

Anyway, so the premise of the DVD is that I'm going to learn the moves of a stripper and suddenly be able to have all the hotness of a lady who flashes her pooty-poo for dollar bils. Actually, I've heard really good things about stripping lessons for boosting your self confidence, but since I don't exactly live in a major metropolitan area, these DVDs will have to suffice.

I got through the "warm up" section of Disc 1, but my poor thighs aren't used to plies and dips (which I am seriously starting to love doing). I am feeling some stretchy-stretchings going on during that part of the tape. Once I'm a little better at the warmup I'll graduate myself to the routine, but I don't have enough floor space with the two giant sofas and the dog kennel. When I move into the new place and ditch a sofa, I'll give it a go I think. The thing is, I CAN see where I would start to feel hotter after doing a few of her tapes. Specifically, I'm looking forward to the lapdance one, which I've been told isn't great for weight loss but that the second disc in the series is. Once I have the hang of this one, I'll shell out the $20US for the next disc in the series. Sometime before Boytoy Micka comes back, I'll be getting the lapdance one because I sort of suck at the entire concept and would like to...not suck. The last time I tried stripping for him (while stone sober) I fell over. So we'd like to not have that happen again if at all possible.

Anyway, whether I lose weight or not this will DEFINITELY make me feel better about it. So I'm going to keep going with it for now.

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So I'm a 21 year old Dairy Queen working part time (hopefully moving to full), raising a puppy, and attempting to import an Australian boyfriend.

I am 5'9 (1.7 m) and weigh 201 lbs (97.2 kg). I have hypothyroidism, which contributed largely to the 60 lbs I gained in the last 3 years (20 of which I was able to lose this last year). I am currently medicated for it and not allowed to take diet pills, so I'll be doing this entirely with diet and exercise. I am also at least pre-asthmatic if not fully so.

Weigh-ins and health status updates will be every Monday.

God help me.

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