Weight Loss Liz

Welcome to the wonderful world of weight loss! Please keep your hands and arms inside the vehicle at all times and pass the cookie dough, damnit!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

*cackle!* My Evil Plan is Working!

I currently weigh less than I did at the beginning of March when Micka came to visit me and we spent 3 weeks eating things we saw on Home Cooking with Paula Dean.

Yesterday, his mother told him he's getting fat. He's not actually fat. He's still a stupid little rail of a boy, but if he's gaining weight, that means my two pronged plan for being the hot one in the relationship is taking effect!

I'm losing weight, and he's gaining weight!


For the record, I walked all the way down to the book store and had Subway for lunch. With the little apple-y things instead of baked chips. We're also running severely out of food, but my moniez have finally cleared through the bank and my credit card came, so I can keep myself eatin' subs for a few more days. Although I should go buy a box of cereal or some Slim-Fast or something else for breakfast nutrients tomorrow after work. I like the taste of chocolate Slim-Fast and it's pretty good in the mornings, so I indulge. I'm a sick, sad little person...

But I have all weekend off! Which means there will be awesomeness abounding! Or else just a shit load of cleaning and sending out lease applications. Man, my life sucks.

Who wants to be my drinking buddy? Anyone?

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